Sunday, February 27, 2011

Juanes - Nada (English subtitles)

Juanes is a Colombian singer. This song is from when he was still playing with his band. Song is from his 2000 album "Fijate bien".

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What's up with this blog?

This blog has been specially created by me to create subtitles to a lot of songs in Spanish to English. I've been having trouble uploading a lot of my videos to youtube because of copyright issues so I'm going to use this blog to keep things organized more clearly. I'll upload some of the videos that I can't upload in this blog in other sites and I'll post the link for those videos in this blog.
I do this because I really like a lot of the lyrics from Latin American, Spanish, Brazilian shows and artists. Englsih isn't my first language either so I'll probably have some issues with grammar in some videos. I hope this doesn't make my videos impossible to understand.
Thanks for visiting this blog.