Monday, December 17, 2012

Carita de angel ep 6 COMPLETE (English Subtitles)

Carita de Angel is a 2000 Televisa production
Episode 6


  1. SO i've been trying to figure out your posting shedule because i'm in LOVE with this show and yu are the only on that makes it woth english subtitles (thank gosh). I just want to know how often you post or if you know of any where on the web that sells (of course with the subtitles.) I tried itunes, and amazon but no luck. I'm going to be goingout of my mind all winter break with another episode to watch!

    ~Signed your faithful "Carita de Angel" follower

    1. Hello there
      Thank you for following this show. Right now I'm working on ep7 and I'll try to finish it by tomorrow and post it as soon as possible. Because of finals last month and then Christmas and new yrs, I didn't really have time to just sit down and work on this show but I will try to post one episode per week from now on. So be on the lookout for that :)

  2. Thank you so much! After getting but to school I totally understand all the freaken stress that come with it (though i'm only in high school) so i'm greatful for anything you can post in your free time!
    p.s. I hope you rocked your finals!

  3. Thanks for making the subs. I need the subs for ep 11 and above. We only reach less than 10% of the total episodes. I'm waiting for this. Thanks
